How long does a flight take between Stockholm and Brussels?
The flight from Stockholm to Brussels has a duration of 2.25.
How many airports are there in the city of Stockholm?
Stockholm has 4 airport: Stockholm, Arlanda, Bromma, Skavsta.
How many airports does the city of Brussels have?
There are 2 airports in Brussels: Zaventem, Charleroi
Which Brussels airport is the most central?
The most central airport is Zaventem, 11.3.
Which airlines have flights from Stockholm to Brussels?
There are 2 airlines with flights from Stockholm to Brussels; Those that offer lower prices are Ryanair ($66.99), Brussels Airlines ($157.99), SAS ($191.99).
Schedules of the first and last flight from Stockholm to Brussels
The first flight from Stockholm to Brussels is at 8:10 AM and the last flight departs at 7:50 PM.