How long does a flight take between Brussels and New Delhi?
The flight from Brussels to New Delhi has a duration of 13.11.
How many airports are there in the city of Brussels?
Brussels has 2 airport: Zaventem, Charleroi.
How many airports does the city of New Delhi have?
There are 1 airports in New Delhi: Indira Gandhi International
Which New Delhi airport is the most central?
The most central airport is Indira Gandhi International, 11.6.
Which airlines have flights from Brussels to New Delhi?
There are 1 airlines with flights from Brussels to New Delhi; Those that offer lower prices are KLM ($790), Singapore Airlines ($2,676), IndiGo ($378).
Schedules of the first and last flight from Brussels to New Delhi
The first flight from Brussels to New Delhi is at 8:35 AM and the last flight departs at 5:40 AM.